GUARDIAN (Generating Understanding and Awareness to Reduce Diabetes Incidence)


Diabetes mellitus is a chronic metabolic disease characterized by the body’s inability to effectively regulate blood glucose levels, either due to insufficient insulin production or ineffective insulin use. Globally, its prevalence has risen sharply in recent decades. In Central Java, diabetes mellitus is a top priority among non-communicable diseases for health control efforts. In Banyumas Regency, recorded cases increased from 22.766 in 2022 to 23.388 in 2023. In honor of World Diabetes Day, SCOPH CIMSA Unsoed arranged an event to raise public awareness about diabetes mellitus as a way to reduce its prevalence in Indonesia.

GUARDIAN (Generating Understanding and Awareness to Reduce Diabetes Incidence) is an activity from SCOPH CIMSA Unsoed. This activity is composed of several activities, including pre-activity training, main activity, and post activity. The pre-activity was conducted by Dava Leonanda Saviskaya as PHLT CIMSA Unsoed on December 20th, 2024 at Hangout Cafe & Restaurant. This activity was attended by medical students from FK Unsoed to enhance their knowledge of diabetes mellitus. The main activity took place on Sunday, December 22nd, 2024 at Kober Village Hall. The activity began with blood sugar and blood pressure measurements, supported by Klinik Utama Amanda. Then, the activity continued with exercise session led by Inggit Kumarasari. It was followed by a webinar about diabetes mellitus, led by dr. Lily Kusumasita Burkon, M.K.K., a lecturer from the Department of Public Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Jenderal Soedirman University. As the closing of the GUARDIAN series, we posted an infographic about diabetes mellitus as a post activity update on Instagram @cimsaunsoed on December 29th, 2024.

The activity went smoothly with minimal issues regarding the number of participants in the main activity. Overall, the pre-activity training was attended by 22 participants, showing an 10% increase in scores from the pretest to the post test on diabetes mellitus. In Kober Village Hall, various activities, such as blood sugar & blood pressure measurements, exercise, and webinar were attended by 19 participants, with a 1.05% increase in scores from the pretest to the post test.

The benefits gained from the series of GUARDIAN activities are that the OC’s and the people of Kober Urban Village have become more knowledgeable and aware of diabetes mellitus, the importance of preventing it, and the need to maintain their health to avoid various other diseases.

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