ACTION (Action for Human Rights with Disabilities) by SCORP CIMSA Unsoed

Persons with disabilities are any person who experiences physical, intellectual, mental and/or sensory limitations for a long period of time who, in interacting with the environment, may experience difficulties to participate fully and effectively with other citizens based on equal rights. The lack of right to life for persons with disabilities has attracted the attention of SCORP CIMSA Unsoed to commemorate the International Day of Persons with Disabilities which is commemorated throughout the world on December 3rd. 

On 2022, the International Day of Persons with Disabilities was commemorated by SCORP CIMSA Unsoed with theme “ACTION” (Action for Human Rights with Disabilities). This activity was held to increase public knowledge and awareness regarding the rights of persons with disabilities, eliminating the stigma regarding disability in society, and participating in increasing the knowledge of persons with disabilities regarding health sciences. ACTION was carried out as a series of activities held on several days in the period of November 28th – December 11th, 2022.

The first series of ACTION is the air campaign which was held on November 28th, 2022 by publishing an infographic on CIMSA Unsoed’s Instagram. On the same day, we conducted a sign language training which was held in Jenderal Soedirman University Faculty of Medicine 1st Semester Classroom. SCORP CIMSA Unsoed collaborated with Batir Isjarat Banjoemas to teach sign language. Trainees also have had an opportunity to learn more about deafness that was delivered by deaf friends and translated by JBI.

The next event is capacity building and a talkshow which was held on December 3rd, 2022 at SLBB Yakut Purwokerto. Capacity building was attended by kindergarten, elementary, middle and high school students from SLBB Yakut Purwokerto. We brought different themes in every class. For kindergarten and elementary school students, we carried theme about healthy food, meanwhile for middle and high school students we raised theme about reproductive health because it’s very relevant for students in puberty. We also provide health checks, such as measurement of height, weight, head circumference, and blood pressure.

While the children were attending capacity building, we held a talk show for parents of SLBB Yakut Purwokerto students. Mrs. Diyah Woro Dwi Lestari, S.Psi., M.A., a lecturer from the Jenderal Soedirman University Faculty of Medicine who was being chosen as the speaker, delivered a speech regarding good parenting for children with disabilities.

Several days after conducting capacity building and talkshow, SCORP CIMSA Unsoed held a pre-activity training on December 7th, 2022. This training was a part to prepare SCORP members before ground campaign. The last event of ACTION, ground campaign, was held on December 11th, 2022 at GOR Satria Purwokerto.

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